Are sweet potatoes healthy?
By Nicola Shubrook – Registered nutritionist
Rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, let’s take a look at why sweet potatoes are good for you.
What is a sweet potato?
) is a starchy, sweet-tasting root vegetable. It has a thin, brown outer skin with bright-coloured flesh – most commonly orange, but other varieties include white, purple or yellow. You can eat sweet potatoes whole or peeled and the leaves of the plant are edible, too.
Although, they may both be called ‘potatoes’, sweet and regular white potatoes are not related. Botanically, the sweet potato belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, whereas the white potato sits in the nightshade family.
Benefits of sweet potato include:
- May reduce the risk of cancer
- May support digestive health
- May help manage type-2 diabetes
- Good for eye health
- May support immune function
- May support the brain and nervous system
- May support heart health
- May be liver protective
- Are low in fat
- Are nutritional value for money
Nutritional profile of sweet potato
An 80g serving of sweet potato (steamed) provides:
- 67kcal / 285kj
- 0.9g protein
- 0.2g fat
- 16.3g carbohydrates
- 6.7g sugar
- 280mg potassium
- 3012 mcg carotenes
- 14mg vitamin C
An 80g serving of sweet potato, or one medium potato, counts towards one of your five-a-day, unlike white potato, which does not.
Is sweet potato a carb?
Edible roots like sweet potato are naturally rich in carbs, as well as fibre. This is because they act as storage organs for the plant, storing up energy for periods of dormancy. Root vegetables vary in their balance of starches, sugars and other carbs, including fibre, with sweet potato being richer in total carbs, sugar and fibre but lower in starch, than regular white potatoes.
How does cooking affect the nutritional value of sweet potato?
Health benefits of sweet potato
1. May reduce the risk of cancer
, may help reduce this oxidation process, thereby reducing the risk of cancer. To get the most from your sweet potatoes simply scrub well before cooking.
and may be useful in the prevention and management of duodenal and gastric ulcers, including those due to NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen).
3. May help manage type-2 diabetes
may improve blood sugar regulation in type-2 diabetes. Although, more evidence from well-designed trials is needed to validate these findings.
4. Good for eye health
which is then used to form light detecting receptors in the eye. This is important for night vision and maintaining the health of the eye.
, which have also been shown to benefit the eyes.
5. May support immune function
, especially the purple variety, may stimulate immune responses and potentially regulate our adaptive (also known as acquired) immunity.
6. May support the brain and nervous system
suggest protective plant compounds in sweet potatoes including phenols and anthocyanins may support the brain. They do this by helping minimise neurotoxicity and by promoting the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF plays an important role in nerve growth as well as being essential for memory and learning.
7. May support heart health
, sweet potatoes help promote a healthy heart. Higher potassium intake helps manage sodium levels and as a result promotes healthier blood pressure, which may reduce your risk of heart disease.
8. May be liver protective
, including anthocyanins, may be liver protective, this is because they help lower inflammation and reduce free radical damage caused by oxidation.
9. Are low in fat
Interestingly, when boiled or baked, sweet potatoes are virtually fat-free. Root vegetables might be rich in carbs but contribute fewer calories than the equivalent portion of pasta or rice. What’s more, unlike pasta and rice, they contribute useful micronutrients, including beta-carotene, potassium and vitamin C.
10. Nutritional value for money
. They make a nutritious and filling addition to the diet and are popular with all age groups.
Are sweet potatoes safe for everyone to eat?
. If you have existing kidney stones or are at high risk of developing them, you should minimise your consumption of high-oxalate foods.
Overall, are sweet potatoes good for you?
Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, including beta-carotenes. They are good value for money, count as one of your 5 a day and make an easy, nutritious swap for other carb-rich staples.
If in doubt or you have concerns regarding your diet and health condition, refer to your GP or registered dietician.
Healthy sweet potato recipes
Sweet potato, coconut & lemongrass soup with coriander sambal
Sweet potato dhal with curried vegetables
Moroccan chicken with sweet potato mash
Spinach, sweet potato & lentil dhal
Jerk sweet potato & black bean curry
Spiced chicken, spinach & sweet potato stew
All our healthy sweet potato recipes
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This article was last reviewed on 27 March 2024 by Kerry Torrens.
Kerry Torrens BSc. (Hons) PgCert MBANT is a registered nutritionist with a post graduate diploma in personalised nutrition & nutritional therapy. She is a member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and a member of the Guild of Food Writers. Over the last 15 years, she has been a contributing author to a number of nutritional and cookery publications, including Good Food.
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