Top 5 health benefits of exercise
By Sarah Lienard
Health writer Sarah Lienard explores the many benefits of physical activity, including stronger bones and muscles, better cardiovascular health, improved mood, restful sleep and more
What is exercise and why is it important?
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The benefits of exercise may include:
- May reduce the risk of long-term health conditions
- May strengthen your muscles and bones
- May help you maintain a healthy weight
- May manage stress levels and promote better sleep
- May protect brain health and function
What are the 5 top health benefits of exercise?
1. May reduce the risk of long-term health conditions
Although there is no guarantee against developing any particular health condition, research has consistently found that regular, moderate exercise is associated with a lower risk of developing a number of long-term conditions.
2. May strengthen your muscles and bones
(DOMS) and usually only lasts for a few days. The good news is that this kind of soreness means that your muscles are adapting and getting stronger.
3. May help you maintain a healthy weight
than fat tissue, meaning that the more muscle we have, the higher our basal metabolic rate (BMR) will be. This is the minimum amount of energy that our bodies use at rest, to carry out normal body processes such as breathing, cell repair and digestion.
, the best approach is a combination of the two – a balanced diet along with moderate physical activity.
4. May manage stress levels and promote better sleep
, helping to improve self-esteem and manage the symptoms of stress and anxiety.
(known as the body’s ‘feel-good’ hormones) which can help to lift overall mood.
5. May protect brain health and function
suggest that regular exercise has positive effects on cognition such as memory and attention. It’s thought this is because exercise improves blood flow to the brain and lowers levels of inflammation and cellular damage.
, although more studies are needed before we can understand exactly why this may be.
Is exercise safe for everyone and how much should I do?
For optimum health, the majority of us should aim to be physically active every day, if we can.
, team sports or skipping with a rope) each week. Adults should also include some activities aimed at strengthening the muscles such as yoga, lifting weights, or bodyweight exercises including push ups and sit ups, on at least 2 days each week.
you will need to ensure the exercise you have in mind is appropriate for your condition. Check with your GP or Healthcare professional before you start a new exercise regime.
Overall, is exercise good for you?
Exercise has a key role to play in a healthy lifestyle, supporting both physical and mental wellbeing. In particular, regular weight bearing and resistance exercise can strengthen your muscles and bones, helping you to age well and lowering your risk of developing a number of chronic diseases. Moderate exercise also helps to keep the cardiovascular system in good health. In combination with a balanced diet, exercise can also aid weight loss and longer term weight management.
If you are new to exercise, lead a sedentary life or have concerns about a current health condition check with your GP before starting a new regime to ensure you do so without risk to your health.
This article was reviewed on 11 February 2021 by Kerry Torrens.
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