has shown that full-body workouts can be just as effective for packing on size and strength – and may actually be the safer bet if, like most of us, you can’t live in the gym six days a week.
. You'll also tick off all of your muscle-building bases, perfect if you can only make it to the gym a few times each week.
EMOM Workout
, which stands for ‘every minute on the minute’. This time savvy protocol means you’ll know exactly how long your workout is going to last, making it perfect for those weeks when time isn’t on your side.
Simply start a stopwatch and at the beginning of every minute perform the prescribed reps of one of four movements, resting for the remainder of the minute. Each minute you’ll perform a different movement, starting again from the first exercise once you’ve completed a set of each. Rotate through all of the exercises in this fashion for eight total rounds, a total working time of just 32 minutes. Efficient.
Make a note of the weights you use for each movement, and attempt to hit the higher end of the prescribed rep ranges. Once you can complete all sets of an exercise at the top end of the reps, i.e. 8 sets of 12 reps, you’ll know it’s time to go heavier in your next session.
The Full-Body Workout
EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) x 32 Minutes
Minute 1: Dumbbell bench press x 6-10
). Keeping your elbows at 45-degree angle, pause here before explosively pressing back up. Repeat.
Minute 2: Dumbbell Row x 8-12
), squeeze your shoulder blades together and lower under control to the start before repeating. Control the bells and avoid moving your torso and using momentum to help.
Minute 3: Front Squat x 10-15
), drive back up. Take a deep breath at the top and repeat.
Minute 4: Dumbbell Deadlift x 10-15
). Take a deep breath and slowly reverse the movement, returning your weights to the ground, keeping them close to your body throughout. Your arms should be hanging straight throughout this movement, think of them as hooks.
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