As large as a car, you see, something comparable to this mighty size has been around for 340 million years.
We are now able to learn what the Arthropleura's head resembled.
Initially, scientists could only grasp the size of the creature's head due to fossilised exoskeletons, however, this did not offer any further information about the Arthropleura's facial arrangement.
This discovery has finally solved the long-standing puzzle linking this ancient arthropod to its modern relatives that had perplexed experts until now.
The Arthropleura lived throughout the late Paleozoic era, approximately from around 346 million to 290 million years ago, in forests that were close to the equator.
Size-wise, the insect can grow to a massive 8.5 feet in length and weigh in excess of 45kg. While it shares qualities with a millipede, the head is actually similar to that of a centipede, as recent findings suggest.
In addition to examining the fossils, the team also used advanced CT scanning techniques to create a model of the creature's skull.
Since the fossils were discovered, scientists have confirmed that the head is rounded and possesses two short, bell-shaped antennae, as well as crab-like protruding eyes and a small mouth.
The creature's head also had an opening where it would lose its external skin.
Co-author of the study Mickael Lheritier described how this recent discovery has allowed experts to gain a better understanding of the Arthropleura, saying: "We found out that it had the body of a millipede, but the head of a centipede."
Simultaneously, the two-inch-long ancient fossils, discovered in the 1980s in a French coal field, were taken through CT scanning in order to conduct their analysis without risking any damage to the fragile specimens.
"We've been eager to gain some insight into the nature of this animal's head for a very long time," said Jim Lamsdell, a palaeobiologist who was not involved in the research.
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