A wildlife pond provides a valuable place for drinking, bathing, and habitation for creatures great and small. So if you're looking for ways to make your outdoor space more eco-friendly and full of life, they're a great project to consider.
, a wildlife expert, says, 'They can be a wonderful way to help support biodiversity and help maintain healthy animal populations.' And they're easy to build with a bit of know-how.
How to create a wildlife pond
Choosing a site for your wildlife pond
One of the first things to decide is where to put your wildlife pond, and many wonder whether somewhere sunny or shady is best.
, recommends considering a site that has both – 'where wildlife can both enjoy sunning themselves and find relief from the summer heat.'
to avoid leaf litter and roots disturbing the pond liner.
Deciding how big to make your wildlife pond
Ben points out that the size of the pond will play a large role in the species you’re likely to attract. 'Large backyard wildlife ponds may attract various pond turtles and aquatic or semi-aquatic snakes, whereas small ponds will primarily attract things like frogs and small birds,' he says.
Whatever its width and length, aim to create varied depths, if possible. A shallow end will allow birds and insects to access water easily, says Tommy. A deeper part (at least two feet) will enable aquatic life to overwinter, he adds. Try to create gradual ledges, Peter recommends.
and don't have space to dig out a full-sized pond, you can create a compact version instead. Even a small frost-proof basin or bucket of water, with the addition of a few aquatic plants and stones to create shallower areas, can encourage visiting creatures.
Building your wildlife pond
'Use a flexible rubber liner for durability,' says Tommy. 'Ensure it’s large enough to cover the entire pond area plus extra for securing the edges. Another option is to use any clay that may be naturally available in the ground,' he adds, 'but this isn't always a given.'
, which has over 600 5-star ratings. Alternatively, there are pre-molded pond liners, often available to buy from garden centers, which require sinking into the ground.
Next, it's time to make the pond a little more interesting for visiting backyard critters. 'Adding small-to-medium sized rocks or logs to your pond's interior can help to create a more realistic underwater landscape for aquatic wildlife and provide shelter,' Peter says.
to offer hiding spots for creatures. These will also enhance the look of your pond by hiding the pond liner, and can be arranged to improve accessibility to the water for small animals.
Filling your wildlife pond
, and in summer, you can use the collected water to top up your pond if needed.
Choosing plants for your wildlife pond
are a must-have when creating a wildlife pond as they can help to reduce algae and provide shelter for creatures. Plus, they will make your space look more aesthetically appealing.
Tommy recommends opting for a mix of submerged (oxygenators), floating, and marginal plants. 'Native species are best for attracting local wildlife,' he says. 'Include plants that flower at different times to provide year-round resources.'
, or variegated cattails are other pretty options.
) in the south. Always double-check before you add anything to your pond or backyard.
How many plants should your wildlife pond have?
While it's tempting to fill your pond with as many plants as possible, it's important not to overdo it. As Tommy points out, this can lead to oxygen depletion in the water. Plus, it can reduce your pond's good looks.
) to help contain some species.
Excessive algae should also be reduced by scooping it out with a net. After removal, leave it by your pond for a while, to give any small creatures within it a chance to return to the water safely.
Should you add fish to your wildlife pond?
Fish may attract herons and other wading birds, notes Ben.
However, fish prey on many insects and amphibians, including tadpoles, meaning they may reduce the diversity of species in your pond overall. What's more, they can encourage algae growth.
When is the best time of year to create a wildlife pond?
This landscaping project is a great gardening job for early spring, when the ground is easily workable. And at this time of year, it may fill up with rain naturally. Once the water has warmed a little, you can add your pond plants.
if you need some inspiration.
are well worth a look.
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