10 things you shouldn't store in your attic

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. But if you've been continuously popping things up there over the years without much thought, it might be worth checking what you've been storing.

Attics are subject to extreme fluctuations of temperature and humidity, making them an unsuitable place to store certain things. If you're currently keeping any of these 10 things in your attic, it's time to find a new place for them...

1. Wooden furniture

that's not quite your style? The attic might seem like perfect place for it, but unfortunately it isn't.

is a good starting point.

2. Toys

when they’ve outgrown them, it’s not unheard of to stash them in the attic (unless Toy Story has put you off the idea!).

However, be aware that damp, as well as mice, dust mites and other critters will ruin them given half a chance. If you do want to keep them in the attic, store them in airtight plastic containers, not black bin bags or similar.

3. Carpets and rugs

, carpet beetles and nesting birds love dark and undisturbed places. They also love feasting on and nesting in carpets and rugs.

Check the attic for old birds’ or wasps’ nests, which are the ideal breeding ground for larvae. No other option? Get your rug/carpet professionally cleaned first, then spray with moth repellent and bag up in heavy-duty polythene before storing.


4. Candles

inside the house to avoid them melting into waxy blobs in the attic.

5. Old tech

instead of storing.

6. Vintage clothes

We all have that dress that we've only worn once but don't want to get rid of, whether it's a ball gown from a fancy event or a wedding dress. But these garments are all better stored in a wardrobe or under-bed drawers than in the attic.

. Buffered acid-free paper should be used for cotton and linens. Use unbuffered acid-free paper for silks and woollens.

has a range of storage solutions and anti-moth devices, including moth traps.

For long-term storage, find a space that is dry and dark with a cool, even temperature and good air circulation. This should not be a basement or attic – ideally a cupboard in the living area of your house, and not one on an outside wall.

7. Leather

A leather jacket is a classic fashion staple, so it makes sense to hold onto yours. But don’t store it in the attic — the extremes of hot and cold could ruin it, leaving it smelling musty and sad.

8. Photographs or picture albums

Photos are precious and irreplaceable, and while we now keep these on our phones and digital storage spaces like Google Drive, your older memories can probably be found in photo albums.

provide information on how best to store and preserve these treasured memories.

9. Books

, it’s an insect called silverfish that you need to worry about. They love to nibble on starchy substances, such as wallpaper or the glue in book bindings — and they are often found in attics. Books stored in the attic can also get damp and if they do, mould and mildew can grow and cause damage.

10. Paper

, like tax return information and birth and marriage certificates, don’t shove them in the attic. These things should ideally be stored in a fireproof safe or filing cabinet in the house itself.

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